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A Book of the Beginnings ( 2 volume set)

ebooks A Book of the Beginnings ( 2 volume set) by Gerald Massey in History


More than 375 bullet and cartridge specimens used by the Northern and Southern armies in the largest battle of the Civil War.

#6923099 in Books 1995-02Format: FacsimileOriginal language:EnglishPDF # 2 9.25 x 6.50 x 3.25l; #File Name: 09331219461200 pages

2 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Filled with Cultural TreasuresBy W. Drake DoroshI am still on volume one. It is a slow read for me. The paragraphs seem disconnected and anecdotal without a key for the reader to anticipate where he will take them next. If a modern sympathetic writer could write a companion guide it would be of great help. I would like to see how footnotes and the more obscure references have been explored by later experts and illustrations of the hieroglyphs and coats of arms. As he leans pretty heavily on precession of the equinoxes for dating certain traditions so some illustrations of sky and calendar would also be of great benefit. Perhaps a Wiki page could do this important work.When he deals with the feminine he is so modest that I sometimes miss the sexual symbols being discussed. When I realized his modesty I put more weight on those sentences to glean anything he was prevented from saying directly.I love how he refers to festivals and traditions of the British Isles that as far as I know are forgotten. There are english language references that are mostly lost. One word nark I thought was short for narcotics officer and thus meant snitch. My grandfather told me it is an old word that means quit. That school boys being teased or tickled would say "nark it!". Massey explores a similar etymology. The book is just packed with fascinating english traditions.His reasoning that human kind came out of Africa bears an order and consonance not available to modern linguists. He disputes the notion that sanskrit is source of european languages and that Africa with a focus on Egypt is. I am not qualified to vouch for him but my sentiment is that he is right.Where commonly we believe that language changes rapidly he argues that certain elements of language endure millennia. Listing off multiple languages he makes his case clear. I don't think his ideas ever became popular. I think it is because he leaves his readers something to research rather than a dogma to learn.This book is now one of my most cherished possessions.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. reads like a Stephen King novelBy Kenneth LewisThe author needs to stick to the facts....too wordy.... reads like a Stephen King novel ....getting sleepy.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. book of the beginnings part 1By Hymeedproduct was a gift; the person enjoy reading odds books. he was so grateful for the books that i gave him.

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