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Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Illustrated

PDF Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Illustrated by Jack E. Levin; Mark R. Levin in History


Astrology is a major feature of contemporary popular culture. Recent research indicates that 99% of adults in the modern west know their birth sign. In the modern west astrology thrives as part of our culture despite being a pre-Christian; pre-scientific world-view.Medieval and Renaissance Europe marked the high water mark for astrology. It was a subject of high theological speculation; was used to advise kings and popes; and to arrange any activity from the beginning of battles to the most auspicious time to have one's hair cut.Nicholas Campion examines the foundation of modern astrology in the medieval and Renaissance worlds. Spanning the period between the collapse of classical astrology in the fifth century and the rise of popular astrology on the web in the twentieth; Campion challenges the historical convention that astrology flourished only between the twelfth and seventeenth centuries. Concluding with a discussion of astrology's popularity and appeal in the twenty-first century; Campion asks whether it should be seen as an integral part of modernity or as an element of the post-modern world.

#552703 in Books Jack E Levin 2010-05-04 2010-05-04Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 8.44 x .40 x 5.50l; .52 #File Name: 143918896364 pagesAbraham Lincoln s Gettysburg Address Illustrated

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Brings history to lifeBy David C.(Re-posting my review I wrote on Goodreads)A very short book. The preface by Mark. R. Levin is actually longer than the rest of the book. But that's not a problem here.This book consists of the text of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address; which is a fairly short speech; originally delivered in only two minutes. The text is presented in large type; devoting one or two pages to each significant clause of each sentence. This text overlays period photographs and artwork; illustrating the specific points Lincoln makes with those clauses.The result is a book that; although a very quick read; is able to bring to life much of the horrors of the Civil War that was fresh in the nation's consciousness at the time.This should be read by all children learning about the Civil war; and by their parents.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. I'm very glad I didBy Joe NYCAfter purchasing Jack Levin's new book Malice Toward None: Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address; I had to pick up a copy of Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Illustrated; I'm very glad I did. The selected pictures; in conjunction with Lincoln's poignant Address; leaves the reader with clearer; more vivid understanding of the sacrifices made by these men. Having read this; as well as Jack Levin's other books in the series; leaves me feeling; as in the immortal words of Lou Gehrig; considering myself the luckiest man on the face of this earth. It leaves me feeling so very lucky that my Great; Great; Grandparents made that long ocean voyage over 100 hears ago. That I may know; that I lived in the United States of America; when she was great. I pray; that when my daughters are my age; they'll be able to say the same. I pray.2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Simple small book maybe best to get the idea across.By Thomas EricksonI appreciated the simplistic quality of this very small book. Read it in 15 minutes and then read it 3 more times days later. Jack E Levin definitely got his point across of his love of our country and the respect for Lincoln.The book has a nice preface by Mark Levin telling about his father and mother and the 3 sons upbringing. The really emotional part to me was his father's family experiences during the depression. I remember the stories my father used to tell me about what his family did to survive the depression. Sadly my father passed away with cancer. I was the care giver. My Mom passed away a few years earlier. The simple preface brought tears to my eyes as I remembered the good times when my Dad was feeling well and told me about his experiences during the depression.I remember reading the Gettysburg Address once in high school and once sometime thereafter. I'm definitely letting my two teenage daughters read this book. Its important history and more important easily shows love for this country.What impressed my about this book was how Jack Levin could get his point across though a very simplistic few Founding fathers; Civil War/Gettysburg photos and spreading the address in a simplistic way with large letters. This book instantly shows Jack's love of his country and the respect he has for Abraham Lincoln. I did learn there were 5 copies of the address to various people but Jack used the only one signed and dated by Lincoln. Jack's small forward was done very well.Those expecting a vast teaching book about Gettysburg and a detailed explanation about the Gettysburg Address will be disappointed. INMO this was never intended to do that but in a deliberate simple way show the general public the suffering on both sides; the love of country ; what had to be done to preserve the union and the forgiveness and love of country by Abraham Lincoln. I liked this book so much I'm buying a deliberate detailed book on Gettysburg;and the Gettysburg Address. I'll review it on .Thanks Jack for getting me interested again. Mark you have a great patriotic Dad. Cherish the time with him and your mom.

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