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Arguing Islam after the Revival of Arab Politics

PDF Arguing Islam after the Revival of Arab Politics by Nathan J. Brown in History


Brooklyn possesses a rich history and culture. The Brooklyn Bridge; Brooklyn Dodgers; and Coney Island are icons as well known as Manhattan’s skyline. Home to more than two million people; the borough—one of five that comprise New York City—has had many faces over the course of its fascinating history. Just across the East River from Manhattan; Brooklyn is an 81-one-square-mile peninsula that also borders New York Harbor and the Atlantic Ocean. In 1834; Brooklyn became a city in its own right and in the second half of the 19th century; a major center of industry. Its green coastline sprouted tall ships; towering grain terminals; glass and porcelain factories; and massive sugar and oil refineries—some of the largest in the world. Thousands of immigrants— including those from Ireland; Germany; Norway; Italy; Poland; and Russia—poured into the city to work in the factories and refineries. Fueled by shipbuilding and industrial growth; Brooklyn became the nation’s third most populous city by the time of the Civil War. It built civic and cultural showpieces; a stately city hall and art museum; and the 526-acre Prospect Park; which rivaled Manhattan’s Central Park. But; Brooklyn’s city status did not last the century. In 1898; despite fierce opposition from their political leaders; local residents voted by a slim margin to give up their independence and join the great consolidation of boroughs that formed New York City. The new borough maintained its own identity; however; its residents taking pride in calling themselves “Brooklynites;” a special breed of New Yorkers. Descendants of 19th-century immigrants keep up the ethnic traditions that have characterized Brooklyn neighborhoods for generations. Brooklyn Then and Now illustrates this vibrant; ever changing borough's transformations.

#2151300 in Books Nathan J Brown 2016-11-17Original language:English 6.50 x 1.10 x 9.40l; .0 #File Name: 0190619422296 pagesArguing Islam After the Revival of Arab Politics


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