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Audacity: How Barack Obama Defied His Critics and Created a Legacy That Will Prevail

ePub Audacity: How Barack Obama Defied His Critics and Created a Legacy That Will Prevail by Jonathan Chait in History


Mary Eberstadt; “one of the most acute and creative social observers of our time;” (Francis Fukuyama) shines a much-needed spotlight on a disturbing trend in American society: discrimination against traditional religious belief and believers; who are being aggressively pushed out of public life by the concerted efforts of militant secularists.In It’s Dangerous to Believe; Mary Eberstadt documents how people of faith—especially Christians who adhere to traditional religious beliefs—face widespread discrimination in today’s increasingly secular society. Eberstadt details how recent laws; court decisions; and intimidation on campuses and elsewhere threaten believers who fear losing their jobs; their communities; and their basic freedoms solely because of their convictions. They fear that their religious universities and colleges will capitulate to aggressive secularist demands. They fear that they and their families will be ostracized or will have to lose their religion because of mounting social and financial penalties for believing. They fear they won’t be able to maintain charitable operations that help the sick and feed the hungry.Is this what we want for our country?Religious freedom is a fundamental right; enshrined in the First Amendment. With It’s Dangerous to Believe Eberstadt calls attention to this growing bigotry and seeks to open the minds of secular liberals whose otherwise good intentions are transforming them into modern inquisitors. Not until these progressives live up to their own standards of tolerance and diversity; she reminds us; can we build the inclusive society America was meant to be.

#105290 in Books Jonathan Chait 2017-01-17 2017-01-17Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.00 x .93 x 6.00l; .0 #File Name: 0062426974272 pagesAudacity How Barack Obama Defied His Critics and Created a Legacy That Will Prevail

8 of 10 people found the following review helpful. I loved this bookBy CustomerI loved this book. Chait's analysis is right on. I highly recommend this read; but if you have not read his earlier book; "The Big Con"; do read it first. His earlier book is a great lead in to this.0 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Concise and enlightening exposition on the amazing accomplishments of the Obama administration and how they are ...By Linda M. FrenchConcise and enlightening exposition on the amazing accomplishments of the Obama administration and how they are likely to be regarding in the future. I recommend it highly. It's the best book I have read this year (out of about 20).6 of 8 people found the following review helpful. A Tale of Obama's LegacyBy Nancy SmithThis book is a sensible and well-researched testament to Barack Obama's legacy. I learned about some lesser-known accomplishments; and found the narrative very compelling.

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