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Bombing Civilians: A Twentieth-Century History

PDF Bombing Civilians: A Twentieth-Century History by From Brand: New Press; The in History


Description: ""'Deification' refers to the transformation of believers into the likeness of God. Of course; Christian monotheism goes against any literal 'god making' of believers. Rather; the NT speaks of a transformation of mind; a metamorphosis of character; a redefinition of selfhood; and an imitation of God. Most of these passages are tantalizingly brief; and none spells out the concept in detail. ""Deification was an important idea in the early church; though it took a long time for one term to emerge as the standard label for the process. That term was qe/wsij; theosis; coined by the great fourth-century theologian; Gregory of Nazianzus. Theologians now use theosis to designate all instances where any idea of taking on God's character or being ""divinized"" (made divine) occurs; even when the term qe/wsij is not used. And of course; different Christian authors understood deification differently."" ""While some articles in this collection discuss pre-Christian antecedents of theosis; Greek and Jewish; most focus on particular Christian understandings. The article by Gregory Glazov examines OT covenant theology; with an emphasis on divine adoption; and on bearing the fruit of knowledge or attaining the stature of a tree of righteousness in Proverbs; Isaiah; and Sirach. The article by Stephen Finlan on 2 Pet 1:4 ('You may become participants of the divine nature') examines the epistle's apparent borrowings from Middle Platonic spirituality; Stoic ethics; and Jewish apocalyptic expectation. The epistle stresses 'knowledge of Christ; ' which means cultivation of godly character and growing up into Christ."" --from the Introduction Endorsements: ""If one were to seek a single volume constituting an up-to-date and learned coverage of the subject; this is the book."" --J. Robert Wright; General Theological Seminary; as reviwed in Religious Studies Review ""An extraordinary collaboration of scholars examining the neglected theme of deification in the classic Christian tradition from its biblical roots through Irenaeus; Augustine; and Maximus; to contemporary reconstructions of Torrance and Soloviev."" --Thomas C. Oden; General Editor; Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture. ""Salvation as divinization is being recognized by historians and retrieved by contemporary theologians. Here is a wonderfully comprehensive and academically careful presentation of theosis from the Bible until Vladimir Soloviev. It is a superb contribution to fresh Christian thinking."" --Ellen T. Charry Margaret W. Harmon Associate Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology; Princeton Theological Seminary; and editor of Theology Today About the Contributor(s): Stephen Finlan is an Adjunct Professor at Drew University and Seton Hall University. He is the author of Options on Atonement in Christian Thought; Problems with Atonement: The Origins of; and Controversy about; the Atonement Doctrine; and The Background and Content of Paul's Cultic Atonement Metaphors. Vladimir Kharlamov is an Assistant Professor of Spiritual Theology at Sioux Falls Seminary.

#1555233 in Books New Press; The 2010-07-27Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 8.00 x .75 x 5.25l; .73 #File Name: 1595585478304 pages

10 of 13 people found the following review helpful. Truth about bombingBy Anthony J. BarrellThis is a remarkable collection of essays on various aspects of mass bombing of civilians in wartime. It has plenty of information about the strategy and tactics of aerial warfare - especially the destruction of Germany and Japan. It won't appeal to those who think anything the USA did/does to protect its interest is justifiable but anyone looking for clear; well argued analysis about this ongoing issue will find plenty to digest - it is well referenced but not written for academics only. Readers who enjoy it might like to look at Higher than Heaven (1995) by Rick Tanaka and Tony Barrell Higher Than Heaven: Japan; War and Everything10 of 17 people found the following review helpful. knowledgeBy Cateni RomanoThis book should be adopted in all US schools;even if I am a bit skeptical about results !Why US people;apparently so decent and sensible; are so indifferent to others' suf-ferings? They dont want to know and if theyknow they do not care too much.So they repeat same 'mistakes'(=crimes ?) overthe years; covering them with same 'smokecurtain': it is asthonishing how US leaders'words beginning; e.g. ;last century soundlike today's ! Freedom; democracy etc. on theone hand; BOMBS on the other.A long chain of painful;for the 'others';contradictions between talking and doing ;perhaps the only real heritage from UK ancestors. At same time; congratulations tothe knowledge and courage of the Authorsproducing such excellent texts: you can findthem in US and UK only; not in Europe .Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ;with lessbombs0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Excellent essaysBy doug kortyThe essays in this book are excellent and provide a good material for the issues involved. In a war like Vietnam; bombing civilians was part of the injustice of the war itself. In WWII and similar situations; there was a debate within the military about bombing strategies. It made no sense in any way to bomb civilian targets but the "experts" who favored those strategies were successful in many cases. We should have learned from those errors but apparently did not.Midwest Independent Research; educational websites. History; mwir-history.blogspot. There are book lists; including the history of war.

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