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Early Teachings of Swami Satyananda Saraswati vol 2

ebooks Early Teachings of Swami Satyananda Saraswati vol 2 by Satyananda Saraswati in History


Buddhadasa Bhikkhu (1906–1993) is widely regarded as modern Thailand’s most influential Buddhist philosopher. His thought had a profound intellectual impact in Thailand in the second half of the twentieth century. His life mission was to undertake a complete reexamination of Theravada Buddhist teachings. By returning to the Buddha’s original teachings in the Suttapitaka and by drawing on aspects of Zen Buddhism; Buddhadasa crafted a vision of Thai Buddhism as a socially; politically; and intellectually progressive force. This vision of a modern Theravada Buddhism fit for a modern; democratic; and socially just Thailand continues to inspire large numbers of Thai people in the twenty-first century.In this book Peter Jackson examines Buddhadasa’s life work and thought; placing them in the context of the political; economic; and intellectual changes that transformed Thailand in the twentieth century. Combining biographical studies with critical philosophical and sociological analyses of Buddhadasa’s reforms of Thai Buddhist teachings; Peter Jackson emphasizes the path-breaking and often radical ideas of one of the greatest Buddhist thinkers of the last century. This book is a revised and expanded edition of Peter Jackson’s Buddhadasa: A Buddhist Thinker for the Modern World; published in 1988. It contains a new epilogue tracing the controversy surrounding Buddhadasa’s death in 1993 and reflecting on the philosopher-monk’s lasting legacy in Thailand.

#8491558 in Books 2014-02-01 .0 x .0 x .0l; 1.23 #File Name: 9381620857120 pages


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