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Evolution of Hindu Culture in Bali

DOC Evolution of Hindu Culture in Bali by I.Gust Putu Phalgunadi in History


Vivimos en tiempos en los que las noticias permanentemente hablan del Islam. Sus distintas facciones y; sobre todo sus versiones radicales extremistas; muestran una imagen de barbarie; pero cuales son los origenes de la religion y como ha sido su evolucion? Para explicarnos eso de forma sencilla e imparcial nadie mejor que Reza Aslan; historiador experto en religiones y autor de muchas obras entre las cuales se incluye el best seller El zelote; sobre la vida y el tiempo de Jesus de Nazaret. En este breve libro; el lector podra descubrir cuales son los origenes de una de las religiones mas extendidas y cual ha sido su evolucion entre distintas facciones de la misma hasta llegar a los casos de extremismos como los actuales. Lectura imprescindible para intentar entender mejor lo que sucede hoy dia y para comprender mejor a las diferentes culturas del mundo. / In No god but God; internationally acclaimed scholar Reza Aslan explains Islam in all its beauty and complexity. In this updated edition; Aslan explores the effects that certain events of the last decade will have on the religion. Timely and persuasive; No god but God is an elegantly written account that explains this magnificent yet misunderstood faith.

#15340546 in Books 1991-06-01Original language:English 11.42 x .0 x .0l; 1.10 #File Name: 8185067651174 pages

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. The Hindu BaliBy Rama RaoThis is a great book for understanding the Hindu culture of Bali. The author provides a wonderful account of how Hinduism and Buddhism impacted the culture of Indonesian archipelago; after Indian migration to the islands of Indonesia. Jainism also set foot in Java and Bali but did not survive in the long run. Hinduism and Buddhism prospered over centuries; but in modern Indonesia; only the island of Bali managed to retain and practice Hinduism as dominant religion. Bali is the only other region; besides India and Nepal; where Hinduism is the most popular religion. The book reads like a thrilling story of noble sons and daughters of India who travelled to the far off lands; the initial influx is known to have occurred in second or third century A.D.; and they brought with them rich Indian culture. This constitutes a fascinating chapter in the cultural history of the world. But the Indian records have nothing to say about activities of these brave Hindu and Buddhist missionaries. However the epigraphic and literary records of islands of Indonesia suggest their selfless work in building a common civilization over centuries.The author has studied historical documents which are scarce and scanty to analyze and interpret the historical development of two ancient religions in Indonesia. He has made a sincere and impartial effort to present facts without distorting them. The author suggests that Bali underwent Hinduisation in the early years of Christian era. It continued to be powerful until the end of the eighth century; and again rose to power in the ninth century remained strong for more than five hundred years. During the 16 and 17 centuries; Bali was divided into nine autonomous Hindu kingdoms. In the first decade of twentieth century; Bali was colonialized by the Dutch invaders; consequently the last Hindu kingdom of Bali became extinct.Politically and culturally; the islands of Indonesia were under the influence the two major Asian powers; India and China. The Indian influence unlike the China did not have political ambitions. Hence it was accepted and gradually absorbed by the native societies. This is similar to the influence of Greece upon Western Europe. Hindu movement was peaceful movement; and Indian traders (Vaisyas); Brahmanas; and Kshatriyas; all went on separate missions but they never tried destroying or uprooting the native culture. Brahmanas who had access to all sacred texts and well versed in Sanskrit and the interpretation of scriptures were also credited to propagation of Hindu faith in Indonesia. Brahmanas were well versed with rituals and sacrifices that many local chiefs found important for self-purification and seek the protection from gods of Puranas. Emperor Asoka also sent Buddhist missionaries led by Sona and Uttara to Suvarnabhumi; and this theory is popular among Buddhists of Thailand. Centuries later; missionaries also went from Nalanda University as a part of cultural and academic exchange programs.The earliest Hindu kingdom of Sumatra known as the Srivijaya is probably the first in Indonesia. This was established before fourth century A.D.; but this dynasty rose to great powers in the eight century; A.D. Palembang became the capital of the mighty empire and was the most important port between India and China. Gradually it became the most important Buddhist center and Srivijaya University modeled after Nalanda University came into existence. This was the second largest only next to Nalanda and invited scholars from across the continent. Dhammapala; a professor from Nalanda University is known have spent his last few years at Srivijaya in 7 century A.D. Dipankara Srijnana of Vikramasila University of India also visited this university on teaching and academic assignments.Religion was one of the most important factors in the propagation of Indian culture in Bali. The Hindu faith that became popular in Bali was not Vedic but it is post-Vedic and Puranic forms. This was introduced directly from India and not from other parts of the region. The main feature was its sectarian character as taught by Puranic scriptures. Saivite faith is the most dominant Puranic sect of Bali Hinduism. One of the distinguishing features of Balinese sects is the fusion of Saivism and Mahayana Buddhism in the 14 century A.D. during the Singhasari dynasty. Sanskrit was the first official language of Bali until about 13 century when king Udayana of Bali married princess Mahendradatta of Java. This matrimonial alliance helped the local Kavi language to replace Sanskrit as the official language of Bali. Kavi language evolved as religious language and the earliest works came in the form of epics. It closely follows the Sanskrit kavya metre. The Epics and the Puranas have always played an important role in the evolution of Kavi language. Balinese created a national culture out of Hinduism. The fall of Majaphait Empire marked a turning point for Java which underwent rapid Islamization and Hinduism found refuge in Bali which remained faithful to Hinduism until today.Ramayana and Mahabharata are the most celebrated literary and religious works ever produced is highly respected in Bali. The epics have been flourishing since tenth century A.D.; and it is widely read; studied; paraphrased and sung by Balinese. Ramayana in Kavi language was probably written in tenth century A.D.; during the reign of king Sindok of East Java; 929 to 947 A.D. Among 18 Mahapuranas; only the Brhmanada Purana survived in the Balinese culture in Kavi language and the rest of 17 Purana may have been lost. It closely follows the Sanskrit version and perhaps written in tenth century A.D. There are two versions of this Purana; one is Kakvin (poetical from) and the other in prose form. The former was written by Balinese poet Mpu Astaguna.There are about 75 photographs of Bali Hindu temples and many are spectacular including the Guha-Gajah cave (10th century) at Bhedahuiu; which has the traditional wooden carvings of Rama exiled to the forest with his wife Sita and brother Lakshmana. Pictures of Rajaswala ceremony performed for a girl attaining puberty and the traditional ceremonial dress worn by Hindu women. This is an outstanding work and I highly recommend to anyone interested in Hinduism.1. Pura Besakih: Temple; Religion and Society in Bali (Verhandelingen Van Het Koninklijk Instituut Voor Taal-; Land- En Volkenkunde; Number 193)2. Lonely Planet Pocket Bali3. Bali; Sekala and Niskala; Vol. 1: Essays on Religion; Ritual; and Art2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. About the Book/Author/ContentsBy John ReprintsAbout the Book :The book pertains to the last few centuries before the Christian era. In the first chapter; indigenous Balinese culture and its people have been discussed. The pre-Hindu people of Bali were of a strong spiritual nature and this provided the base for future evolution of Hindu culture. In the second chapter; an attempt has been made to trace the influence of the Hindu culture. The next chapter tries to delineate the political history of Bali. In the fourth chapter; the discussion centres around Balinese Hinduism. The next chapter narrates about the classical Balinese language and Sanskrit being used as the official language. In the sixth chapter; Balinese art and architecture have been discussed.About the Author :Dr. I.G.P. Phalgunadi; is a devoted researcher and scholar whose main mission in life is to reveal the various facets of Hindu religion and culture since early times at least to focuses on relative aspects of Hindu religion in Bali-Indonesia.His preference for his study of religion made him to specialize in Ancient Indian History. The present monograph is the revised version of his Ph.D. thesis which throws a new light on the relative aspects of Hindu religion in Bali; hitherto unknown. born on 3 January; 1948 at Denpasar; Bali. The topic of his thesis was : Tambang Badung Temple at a Glance.In 1978 he won a scholarship to pursue his research work in India. For his research purposes he has travelled throughout India particularly the historical and holy places. He had visited most of the Capitals of States in India except the North-east States.Since a decade he has been moving between Delhi-Bodhgaya-Haridar in search of his mission. for that he is aptly awarded scholarship by many private institutes as well as the Government of India.1978-79 Scholarship from International Academy of Indian Culture; New Delhi1979-81 General Culture Scholarship Scheme from Government of India1981-88 General Culture Scholarship Scheme from Government of India1985-88 Senior Scholarship Holder from Indian Council of Historical Research; New Delhi.Contents :ForewordPrefaceA Note on the Pronunciation of the WordsAbbreviationsList of Illustrations1. INTRODUCTION : THE CULTURAL BACKGROUND OF BALIPeople/Megalithic Culture/Dongson Culture/Economic and Social Life/Religious Beliefs/Art2. FIRST INDIAN IMMIGRANTSEarly Trade Relations/People From Orissa (Kalinga) and Gujarat/Introduction of the Sanskrit Language and Pallava and Nagari Script/Process of Hinduisation/Sanskrit Inscriptions/Bali Embraces Hinduism3. POLITICAL HISTORY OF BALIBali Under Hindu Kingdom/I-tsing`s Records/Hindu Kingdom of Mataram/Bali Under Varmadeva Dynasty/Bali Overthrows the Yoke/Krtanagara Subdues Bali/Bali Regains Her Freedom/Gajahmada Conquers Bali/Mahapahit Rule in Bali/Gelgel Kingdom/Proliferation of the Balinese Kingdom/The Last Hindu Kingdom4. BALINESE HINDUISMIndian System of Varna/Religious Faith/Balinese Gods and Goddesses/Daily Worship of Balinese Twice-Born/Religious Ceremonies/Religious Festivals/Social Customs/Asrama System/Religious Schools/Philosophy of Balinese Saivism/Essential Features of Balinese Saivism5. LITERARY GROWTHKavi Language and Literature/Epic Poetry/Puranas/Works in Tantra; Ethics and Philosophy/Stotra Literature (Doctrinal Writing)/Kidung; Kakavin and Wavachan/Tantris of Fables/Kanda or Grammar/Medical Literature/Historical Literature/Babad/Law Books/Astrological Literature/Balinese Calendar6. ART AND ARCHITECTUREGeneral Introduction/Development of Art and Architecture/Majapahit Art/Ideals of Art/Temples of Shrines/Statues/Cave Temple/Rock TombsBibliographyChronological IndexIndexMaps and Transliteration SchemePlates

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