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Faith of the Early Fathers: Three-Volume Set

audiobook Faith of the Early Fathers: Three-Volume Set by From William A Jurgens in History


During its heyday in the nineteenth century; the African slave trade was fueled by the close relationship of the United States and Brazil. The Deepest South tells the disturbing story of how U.S. nationals - before and after Emancipation -- continued to actively participate in this odious commerce by creating diplomatic; social; and political ties with Brazil; which today has the largest population of African origin outside of Africa itself.Proslavery Americans began to accelerate their presence in Brazil in the 1830s; creating alliances there—sometimes friendly; often contentious—with Portuguese; Spanish; British; and other foreign slave traders to buy; sell; and transport African slaves; particularly from the eastern shores of that beleaguered continent. Spokesmen of the Slave South drew up ambitious plans to seize the Amazon and develop this region by deporting the enslaved African-Americans there to toil. When the South seceded from the Union; it received significant support from Brazil; which correctly assumed that a Confederate defeat would be a mortal blow to slavery south of the border. After the Civil War; many Confederates; with slaves in tow; sought refuge as well as the survival of their peculiar institution in Brazil.Based on extensive research from archives on five continents; Gerald Horne breaks startling new ground in the history of slavery; uncovering its global dimensions and the degrees to which its defenders went to maintain it.

#18048 in Books William A Jurgens 1979-06-01Original language:EnglishPDF # 3 9.35 x 2.39 x 6.62l; 4.09 #File Name: 08146102501240 pagesThe Faith of the Early Fathers

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful. ESSENTIAL CATHOLIC APOLOGETICS REFERENCE!By Saber BobI bought the 3-volume set; but Vol 1 is the most important for demonstrating the ancientness of "Catholic" beliefs. Most of what is great about it was covered in other reviews.One of the unintended consequnces of _The Da Vinci Code_ nonsense was the response of a lot of believing Protestants started to examine the Patristic writings to refute the near-universal egregious errors Dan Brown spouted. Several Evangelical pastors learned for the first time that it was the Catholic Church which always believed and always taught the doctrine of Christ's divinity; the Trinity; etc... BUT ALSO right alongside distinctly Catholic beliefs such as the Real Presense in the Eucharist; The Ordained Priesthood; and the Authority of the See of Peter. There's been a flush of "crossing the Tiber" conversions by evangelicals and fundamentalists because of revived Patristic study and this series makes it easy.6 of 6 people found the following review helpful. The Perfect ResourceBy KatherineThis should be part of every caring Catholic's library. A wonderful way to counter people who try to tell you that the early Catholics turned away from the teachings of Christ. What nonsense! It is a beautiful resource; too; for the early church teachings on the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.6 of 6 people found the following review helpful. I Knew Bill JurgensBy Michael B. SmithThe author was one of my professors in Seminary.The author spoke of and wrote as if he knew theEarly Fathers personally. This work has a deservedreputation in English-speaking seminaries across the world.

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