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Hitler: Speeches and Proclamations; 1932-1945--The Chronicle of a Dictatorship (4 Volume Set)

ePub Hitler: Speeches and Proclamations; 1932-1945--The Chronicle of a Dictatorship (4 Volume Set) by Max Domarus in History


Fresh from a battle against monarchy; the American Founders were wary of a strong executive; but they were equally conscious that unchecked legislative power risked all the excesses of democracy. Creating an effective executive who did not dominate the legislative body posed a significant challenge. In The Creation of the Presidency; 1775–1789; Charles Thach’s lucid analysis reveals how these conflicting concerns shaped the writing of the Constitution and the early clarification of executive powers. Thach sets the stage by analyzing the political tendencies during the war and under the Articles of Confederation; showing that experience with rash state legislatures and an ineffectual national Congress contributed to the desire for a strong executive. He presents clearly the scattered deliberations on the executive during the Philadelphia Convention and gives due attention to the important decisions on presidential power made by the First Congress. Originally published in 1923; this book has influenced decades of scholars. In 2003 Raymond Tatalovich and Thomas Engeman referred to it as “the definitive statement of original intent” with respect to the establishment of the presidency. Herbert Storing; in his introduction to the 1969 edition; described it as “so useful and so sound as to be indispensable.” Now available in this Liberty Fund edition; Thach’s pioneering study can again benefit readers interested in the formation of the U.S. Constitution and the creation of the presidency. This volume addresses the practical issue of liberty and constitutional government: namely; how to design an executive power that will be strong enough to keep order yet remain compatible with individual liberty. Charles C. Thach; Jr.; (1894–1966) was educated at Johns Hopkins University and received his Ph.D. in 1922. Specializing in political theory; he taught at the University of Minnesota and Johns Hopkins. He later became a Professor of Government at New York University; where he taught for over thirty years.

#3652434 in Books 2004-06-01 2004-06-01Original language:English 10.00 x 10.25 x 10.50l; #File Name: 086516228X3400 pages

4 of 6 people found the following review helpful. Not quite what it claims to be; but worthwhile anywayBy Bill StevensonThis four volume set offers a glimpse of Hitler in power through excerpts of many of his speeches. Unlike the reviewer who found the translation wanting; I think the English version quite readable. What might be wanting for the scholar familiar with the German language is some of Hitler's awkward phrasing or rather somewhat eccentric (at least to German ears) Austrian German. Hitler was self taught and this added to some mannerisms of speech that were unconventional within the context of the language. It must be admitted that the English translation loses this aspect of his style. But Hitler's meaning and content are crystal clear as is his thought process. As a chronicle of his daily routine; these volumes offer a picture of a hectic and disjointed; but energetic politician. Since Hitler was his own speechwriter; his public utterances offer extraordinary insight into his mind; manipulations; and duplicity. As time goes on and Hitler's actions repeatedly confound previous publicly stated positions; it becomes clear to the reader that the man could not be believed. And yet he manifestly was believed by the majority of Germans right up until the end. I think this can at least in part be explained because taken separately; each of his speeches paints a picture of a reasonable man (except of course when and where his carefully constructed choreography called for a different projection). The man was nothing if not deliberate. Perhaps only a few contemporaries such as author Domarus; closely followed and critically compared Hitler's public speeches over time. My overriding criticism of these volumes is twofold: First; there is entirely too much editorializing and commentary by Domarus; whose views; although entirely understandable; detract from the flow of Hitler's words; second; the text is disjointed and incomplete presumably to make room for Domarus's commentary; which is not only confusing at times; but often is taken out of context or chronology; and is not reliably accurate in all cases. I would much rather have had what is claimed; but not to be found here; and that is the complete text of all Hitler's speeches. This set; nevertheless; is worth reading for the patient and serious scholar.0 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Five StarsBy JUAN CARLOS GARCIA CRISTOBALOK6 of 6 people found the following review helpful. Hitler: Speeches and Proclamations 1932-1945 by Max DomarusBy Philip DawesI will be purchasing the four-volume set "Hitler: Speeches and Proclamations 1932-1945" by Max Domarus. But before doing so I decided to download a free scanned digital copy of the four-volume set; which is nearly 4;000 pages; along with its many thousands of digital errors and spelling mistakes; including hundreds of German words the translators did not bother to translate. I am left with the conundrum whether the English translation was a genuine literal translation of the original German by Max Domarus; (taking into account the different syntax of the two languages); or whether only the English version is contaminated by the personal opinions of the translators?However; after reading the review by Mr Bill Stevenson; (who has purchased both the original German and English translation) he states: "My overriding criticism of these volumes is twofold: First; there is entirely too much editorializing and commentary by Domarus; whose views; although entirely understandable; detract from the flow of Hitler's words; second; the text is disjointed and incomplete presumably to make room for Domarus' commentary; which is not only confusing at times; but often is taken out of context or chronology; and is not reliably accurate in all cases."Domarus does not distinguish between Hitler's speeches and his personal commentary; which often makes for difficult reading!Domarus' psychoanalysis of Hitler; as well as his own opinions and commentary was totally unnecessary and unjustified when considering the book's title "Hitler: Speeches and Proclamations; 1932-1945." Thus the book's title should have been: "An analysis of Hitler's Speeches and Proclamations; 1953-1945."The following website has more accurate translations of some of Hitler's speeches than by Max Domarus. Of importance is the following statement:"Editor's note...:"This translation is based on the U.S. government's Foreign Broadcast Monitoring Service; Federal Communications Commission. However; this [their] translation contains numerous omissions and errors. We have corrected these errors and filled in omissions from the original German. It is to the best of our information; the only complete English translation on the net."SOME KEY SPEECHES OF ADOLF HITLER - complete text in English and German:[...]Coming to the crunch: Truthfully; how many people realise that a certain satanic cabal with its roots in banking; based in America and Britain; financed the French Revolution; Russian Revolution; WWI and the Bolshevik Revolution... and infested the Versailles Conference to extract blood from Germany's heart? That same evil force waged an open war against Germany; endeavouring to destabilise her and install Communism. That was Hitler's focussed aim to stop; but satanic events were too powerful; causing him to make many reckless decisions that eventually led to Germany's destruction. The satanic forces were not finished with their vanquished victim; the Nuremberg Kangaroo Court had the next bite; and then the Allies of evil exacted their financial punishment along with hidden threats.

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