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Hymns to the Goddess and Hymn to Kali

DOC Hymns to the Goddess and Hymn to Kali by John Sir Woodroffe in History


Los asuntos mas candentes a escala global; como las guerras; el terrorismo; el genocidio; la pena de muerte; la pobreza; la crisis economica y el riesgo nuclear tienen algo en comun: todos ellos provienen de ciertas suposiciones y concepciones basadas en un modelo cientifico ya desfasado. Pero nuevos descubrimientos sugieren que la teoria de la evolucion no es suficiente para explicar nuestra existencia; que llevamos en la Tierra mas tiempo de lo que reconoce la historia convencional; que estamos programados para la paz y no para la guerra ; que nos encontramos en un momento crucial de nuestra existencia; y que somos mucho mas de lo que pensamos. Con esta nueva perspectiva; avalada por rigurosas investigaciones cientificas; la vision que tenemos del mundo y de nosotros mismos cambia radicalmente de forma espontanea; y; a consecuencia de ello; las soluciones a los problemas creados por el viejo paradigma de pensamiento se hacen evidentes. / Best-selling author and visionary scientist Gregg Braden suggests that the hottest topics that divide us as families; cultures; and nations -seemingly disparate issues such as war; terrorism; abortion; genocide; poverty; economic collapse; climate change; and nuclear threats- are actually related. They all stem from a worldview based upon the false assumptions of an incomplete science.

#801888 in Books Ganesh Co. 2001-12-01Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 8.50 x 5.75 x .75l; .72 #File Name: 8185988161335 pages

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Hymns to the Goddess by a 'Foreign' TranslatorBy ubaluJohn Woodroffe (1865-1936); while holding public offices such as Law Professor and Chief Justice; was not only an expert on British and Indian law; but also a committed Sanskrit student; who eventually translated about 20 ancient Sanskrit works into English. This is no small feat; and can be accomplished only by a devoted student; especially if he is a foreigner. He was British; lived in India for many years.The Kali Hymns is one of his lesser known translations. This is no easy reading; he uses Sanskrit terms consistently. Sanskrit being a Classic language; many of the words cannot be translated- there are simply no equivalent words in English. This book is appropriate for continuing students of Sanskrit or Hinduism; who want to further research the beauty of the very versatile language and religion. Not recommended for beginners.3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. A Pioneering Translator.....By Nehal D. PatelSir John Woodroffe was certainly a pioneering translator at the time. This volume (as well as his other translated editions) include copious usage of the original Sanskrit terminology. To a reader who has no familiarity with Sanskrit; this can be cumbersome. However; those readers who persevere and are able to navigate through the Sanskrit terminology will be richly rewarded. I think Sir Woodroffe's texts are geared more for the serious pupil of Tantric yoga. Neophytes should start with a basic primer. I personally enjoyed his reliance on the Sanskrit language because of the following considerations: 1) it's a tough process to translate old texts and having the original Sanskrit transliteration at hand allows the reader to become acquainted with the original language since exact translations cannot always be attained; 2) the Sanskrit terms can be keys to more in-depth investigation into other related concepts and textual material. Overall; I enjoyed the heavy usage of Sanskrit terminology and annotations. I highly recommend Sir John Woodroffe's translated editions for the erudite pupil/scholar of the esoteric aspect of Indian thought. Those who begin the long journey into reading and meditating upon these books will reap great rewards as well as the sheer joy of achievement.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. "This book is fantastic; very good translations of Tantric invocational hymnsBy Dolores M.I ordered this book for my son. He writes; "This book is fantastic; very good translations of Tantric invocational hymns; very powerful. They are not songs; but they are songs; not prayers; but they are prayers; not mantras; but they are mantras. The hymns by Shankaracharya are good; after reading those from this book; having read the Guruvastaka and Laksmi Narasimho Stotra; I get a feel for ... Shankaracharyas hymns all have a similar unique feel that invokes him along with the Diety of the hymn. Very unique; very good; nothing else like it!"

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