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Lost Prophet : The Life and Times of Bayard Rustin

PDF Lost Prophet : The Life and Times of Bayard Rustin by John D'emilio in History


This unusual and moving chronicle covers some of the most important battles of the Civil War -- Sharpsburg (Antietam); Gettysburg; and Chancellorsville -- through the stories of the two brigades who confronted each other on the bloody fields of battle. Drawing on original source material; Jeffry Wert reconstructs the drama and terrors of war through the eyes of the ordinary men who became members of two of the most respected fighting units of their respective armies; the Stonewall Brigade of the Confederacy and the Iron Brigade of the Union. There are tales of grueling marches and almost unbearable deprivations; eyewitness accounts of ferocious fighting and devastating losses on both sides; and portraits of acts of courage and valor performed by soldiers and officers who; despite the difficulties they faced; remained dedicated to the cause for which they were fighting.

#1036432 in Books Free Press 2003-08-11Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.24 x 1.56 x 6.38l; #File Name: 0684827808352 pages

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful. Support; encouragement and inspirationBy Trudie BarrerasThis amazing book has led me to break a number of my self-imposed rules; including reading the reviews of others before submitting my own. And; having done so; I believe I have nothing substantive to add to the overwhelmingly positive and insightful reflections of the previous reviewers. This book was published long before I became a member of the Vine program. Hence I did not encounter it in that context; but rather as a result of an extraordinarily powerful post by Kittredge Cherry in her "Jesus in Love" blog dated August 24th 2012. Based on her post I rushed to order the book; and given the time-frame (this is being written on September 1; 2012) it can be seen that I am reviewing before having completed this extraordinary but lengthy biography.Within the first eighty pages; however; I was overwhelmed with awareness that this book; and the convictions and life of Bayard Rustin as John D'Emilio depicts them; bear a powerful message for this fateful and pivotal year in American Politics. The same issues of social injustice that Rustin and his contemporaries confronted during WWII and its aftermath are still with us. Despite the "great strides" that have led to the election of a (now very embattled) African American president and the open discussion of the extension of basic human rights to gays; the penchant for violence as a solution to social and international problems does not seem to be diminished. I believe it is vitally important to revisit the Gandhian ethos of non-violent resistance to injustice and oppression at all levels that Rustin so eloquently and courageously championed.For those who believe; as I do; in the eventual triumph of the ethic of non-violent resistance first taught by Jesus and subsequently epitomized most perfectly in our country by Dr. Martin Luther King; Jr. and his mentor Bayard Rustin; this book is simply invaluable. It will be my support and encouragement and hopefully my inspiration to constructive involvement in the next few fateful months of this year that many people believe will be pivotal for the success or failure of the human experiment.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. A Man for All SeasonsBy AmandaBayard Rustin is a very important figure in the history of civil rights; but he's never mentioned in our children's history classes. He was erased; along with Paul Robeson. Why? He was a Black; (out) Gay man who organized the great civil rights march on Washington. He spoke; along with MILK; to over 250;000 people who attended the rally. There were no computers; or Xerox copiers then; just cumbersome mimeograph machines and 3x5 cards. He was a inspiration and a great organizer. He's worth your time to read about him and to watch the documentary; "Brother Outsider."Best;Amanda4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. BACK FROM THE SHADOWS OF THE INTENSIONALLY FORGOTTEN !!!!!By DAVID G. MCHALE IVI would have loved to have known BAYARD RUSTIN and now count him as one of my personal heroes. LOST PROPHET: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF BAYARD RUSTIN by John D' Emilio is a highly intelligent and well thought researched read. Other than the last 23 pages which gloss quickly over the last 18 years of RUSTIN'S life; this 500 page monumental tribute to this facinating man illuminates someone who needs to be brought back out of the shadows; as well as the often hideous unconscious mental attitudes of the last 100 years that African Americans (and others) have unfortunitely had to go through. History individally and collectively comes to life here; and we see that through MR. RUSTIN'S calling (not job!) how one person can make such a colossal positive difference in the many lives down the line for the collective whole. BAYARD RUSTIN brought Gandhi's philosophy of nonviolence to America. He helped launch the civil rights movement and was the organizer of the famous 1963 March on Washington. He taught and was a huge influence on Dr. Martin Luther King; he was no less than an extraordinary apostle of peace. Why he's been mostly ignored or written out of history was because he was an openly gay African American man. RUSTIN was aparently always rather comfortable and unusually open about his sexuality for the era. Not common or easy in the subhuman 40's; 50's; and 60's. This combined with the times dispite his amazing skills; dedication; and charm often marginalized him - even by his so called friends of long standing. John D' EMilo's book is most engaging and I highly recommend it to the LGBT crowd; African Americans; Historians; and anyone with a 21st Century mind who likes facinating resurrected individuals. BAYARD RUSTIN was an amazing man and should be more well known today; and I thank the excellent author for bringing him back out of the shadows of the intensionally forgotten.

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