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Myth and Religion in Mircea Eliade (Theorists of Myth)

PDF Myth and Religion in Mircea Eliade (Theorists of Myth) by Douglas Allen in History


After years of careful study; David Aaron helps us find the answers to life's questions as revealed in the Kabbalah; the mystical tradition of Judaism. Unlike other works on the Kabbalah; which are often academic; abstract; and unrelated to our everyday challenges and concerns; Endless Light is a thought-provoking; practical guide that illuminates our path in life. Rich in personal stories and anecdotes; Endless Light offers a deeper awareness of ourselves; our inner conflicts; and the way we understand and receive life's bounteous gifts. Drawing upon the profound; timeless teachings of the ancients as well as on his own contemporary insights; David Aaron helps truth-seekers of all faiths to enrich their lives; strengthen their faith; and enjoy more meaningful relationships.

#3602823 in Books Douglas Allen 2002-04-28 2002-05-16Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.00 x .90 x 6.00l; 1.22 #File Name: 0415939399384 pagesMyth and Religion in Mircea Eliade

1 of 3 people found the following review helpful. A good dust collectorBy Peter FYFEIn the slowly dying tradition of scholarship for scholarship's sake; Douglas Allen scholars his way through the work of Mircea Eliade; many of his critics; and even some of his defenders; producing another tome to gather dust on the groaning shelves of those who still care for such tomes.It's hard for one of my arty; poetic; soul-loving proclivities (yes; I've read too much Hillman; Corbin; Cheetham; Jung et al for my own good and it's destroyed a perfectly good mind) to take the very serious and scholarly Allen seriously. I can't help feeling (yes; feeling; not thinking) that what's missing is any real consideration of the possibility that Eliade's response to mythic and religious material is the only response possible: one based in imagination and favouring imagination and its ways. This was Eliade's way and occidental scholars don't like it; never have; never will. And no matter how much Allen pretends to not be reductionist; or at least not too reductionist; or just enough reductionist to still draw a scholarly salary; he can't help but miss the real and irreducible points Eliade chased.That said; if you're not actively seeking answers; making soul; and living myth; this dust collector may be enough.

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