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#4186379 in Books 1958PDF # 1 #File Name: B00DQFLNG6
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. "Poor Richard" sounds offBy Allen SmallingThe Eighteenth Century was less hindered than our age by copyright restrictions. Thus much of what Benjamin Franklin; in his "Poor Richard" persona; published was in fact gleaned from earlier writers. Never mind that: these witticisms and pithy sayings are genuine Americana and well worth reading -- and owning. This inexpensive Dover edition is far from comprehensive; but what's in it is good.2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. An old book for modern timesBy JmcenanlyIf many of the quotes in this almanac seem familiar; it is because they have been repeated often since Benjamin Franklin set them down. Many times ; he seems to be speaking directly to us about modern problems; both national and personal. If more people read and heeded these proverbs; we'd all be a lot better off.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. The Sayings and Writings of a Great Man!By G. TownsendThis little book contains much wisdom. Benjamin Franklin was a treasure and a very impressive man. He is; indeed; remembered fondly as one of our greatest Founding Father!