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Remembered Prisoners of a Forgotten War: An Oral History of Korean War POWs

DOC Remembered Prisoners of a Forgotten War: An Oral History of Korean War POWs by Lewis H. Carlson in History


Exploring American Histories offers an entirely new approach to teaching the U.S. survey that puts investigating sources and thinking about the many stories of American history right at the center of your course. The distinctive format integrates primary documents and a brief narrative into one cost-effective and easy-to-use volume. Exploring American Histories features Bedford/St. Martin’s new digital history tools; including LearningCurve; an adaptive quizzing engine that garners over a 90% student satisfaction rate; and LaunchPad; the all new interactive e-book and course space that puts high quality easy-to-use assessment at your figertips. Easy to integrate into your campus LMS; and featuring video; additional primary sources; a wealth of adaptive and summative quizzing; and more; LaunchPad cements student understanding of the text while helping them make progress toward learning outcomes. It’s the best content joined up with the best technology. Available in combined and split volumes and in a number of affordable print and digital formats.

#983468 in Books 2002-04-18Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.62 x 1.21 x 6.22l; #File Name: 0312286848256 pages

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A gut wrenching story and long overdue.By ApuleiusIn the epilogue of Eric Hammel's "Chosin: Heroic Ordeal of the Korean War;" we are left with the beginning journey of a Marine's three year captivity as a POW (the Marines had blown the bridge without knowing they left some of their men behind). Wanting to learn the details of such captivity from veterans who actually experienced it; I began reading Mr. Carlson's book. I was not disappointed.But soon I was shocked to learn how terribly so many of the military POWs were treated upon their release. It is within this context that I truly came to feel a sense of bitterness myself. Mr. Carlson's research is well documented; both from the individual veteran's experience (indeed; the men speak for themselves) as well as from a sociological perspective.It was difficult getting through some of the book's passages; but then such were the atrocities and savagery they experienced. And so in this sense too the book is honest. Harsh but honest.The book ends with a brief bio on each of the key witnesses and survivors; and I thought this was an excellent way to show how these brave men (and their often caring wives or children) chose to deal with life despite all the horrific challenges that the Korean War; POW camps and the (too often than not) disrespectful treatment at worst; forgetful at best; this nation gave to its fighting men.3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. The Enlightening TruthBy Jerri GarofaloThis is a must read; especially now that we are in the middle of another unpopular war. If you want to know the way things really were for the POWs of the Korean War; read this book and the words of the POW soldiers who were there. Lewis Carlson's interviews and research are exemplary; spellbinding; sometimes graphic; and always reminding us; what price our freedom is purchased at. His depiction of war is real; not this stuff we often see in movies. We read about real men who have their own lives and feelings. Yet; soldiers who went off to war for different reasons. Some didn't want to go; but they did. They had all been trained to duty; honor; obey; and country; and in their own words their "honor;" shines through. When you start to feel a little sorry for yourself; this is the book to pick up and you will soon forget all your troubles. Imagine; never knowing when your captors might decided to make an example of you and put a bullet in your head; or if you might get thrown in the freezing cell for 30 days. Ask yourself; could you survive on a cup of partially cooked millet a day? Learn how men depend on each other and yet have to survive as one. All this just scratches the surfaces of what Carlson is able to share. Are you aware that there are some who still believe that our POWs were willing collaborators with the enemy and turned Communist and make an bad name for those who gave up so much. The truth is plainly and truthfully laid out in these pages by the men who endured being beaten; terrorized; staved; froze nealy to death; riddled with disease or war wounds yet never given medical care; because there was none. Many died; yet many also came home and in the pages of this book you can read their honest story. How many of us have heard their stories in the 50 years since that war? After all their suffering of the most horrible atrocities imaginable; witnessing the deaths of their brothers; and then for these men to finally get to come home at the end of the war; did America welcome them home? did we hug them and help to put them back on their feet? No! First each was sorely interrogated as a war criminal. Then most if not all had great difficulty getting a job and were socially scared. For years they were still secretly under surveillance and some were further interrogated over and over again. All this; despite their innocence. Why; you may ask? That is a good question. You owe it to yourself; to learn the real truth and to be enlightened. I think this is one of the best historical books I have read in years. Let us not forget this war any longer nor the men who fought in it. Jerri Garofalo4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. It all comes back after sixty years of trying to forgetBy Daniel H. OldewageI thought the author did an fine job of portraying the lives of the Korean P.O.W;s. I feel very qualified to make that statement since I spent over 21/2 years as one of them. It brought back many memories. Sadly; the American press and much of the public had misconceptions of how we prisoners acted. Some of the bravest and most honorable people I have known in my 88 years were prisoners..

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