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Shackleton's Way: Leadership Lessons from the Great Antarctic Explorer

audiobook Shackleton's Way: Leadership Lessons from the Great Antarctic Explorer by Margot Morrell; Stephanie Capparell in History


The Pulitzer Prize–winning biography of Harry S. Truman; whose presidency included momentous events from the atomic bombing of Japan to the outbreak of the Cold War and the Korean War; told by America’s beloved and distinguished historian.The life of Harry S. Truman is one of the greatest of American stories; filled with vivid characters—Roosevelt; Churchill; Stalin; Eleanor Roosevelt; Bess Wallace Truman; George Marshall; Joe McCarthy; and Dean Acheson—and dramatic events. In this riveting biography; acclaimed historian David McCullough not only captures the man—a more complex; informed; and determined man than ever before imagined—but also the turbulent times in which he rose; boldly; to meet unprecedented challenges. The last president to serve as a living link between the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries; Truman’s story spans the raw world of the Missouri frontier; World War I; the powerful Pendergast machine of Kansas City; the legendary Whistle-Stop Campaign of 1948; and the decisions to drop the atomic bomb; confront Stalin at Potsdam; send troops to Korea; and fire General MacArthur. Drawing on newly discovered archival material and extensive interviews with Truman’s own family; friends; and Washington colleagues; McCullough tells the deeply moving story of the seemingly ordinary “man from Missouri” who was perhaps the most courageous president in our history.

#413035 in Books Viking Adult 2001-01-08 2001-01-08Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.26 x 1.00 x 6.26l; #File Name: 0670891967256 pages

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. Leadership Explored!By O. HalabiehBelow are key excerpts from the book that I found particularly insightful:1- "Shackleton's strategy is the antithesis of the old command-and-control models. His brand of leadership instead values flexibility; teamwork; and individual triumph. It brings back some of the gentlemanliness and decorum of the past; but without the hidden agenda of an exclusionary inner circle. It's business with a human face."2- "SHACKLETON'S V WAY OF DEVELOPING LEADERSHIP SKILLS: -Cultivate a sense of compassion and responsibility for others. You have a bigger impact on the lives of those under you than you can imagine. - Once you make a career decision; commit to sticking through the tough learning period. -Do your part to help create an upbeat environment at work. A positive and cheerful workplace is important to productivity. -Broaden your cultural and social horizons beyond your usual experiences. Learning to see things from different perspectives will give you greater flexibility in problem solving at work. -In a rapidly changing world; be willing to venture in new directions to seize new opportunities and learn new skills. -Find a way to turn setbacks and failures to your advantage. This would be a good time to step forward on your own. -Be bold in vision and careful in planning. Dare to try something new; but be meticulous enough in your proposal to give your ideas a good chance of succeeding. -Learn from past mistakes—yours and those made by others. Sometimes the best teachers are the bad bosses and the negative experiences. -Never insist on reaching a goal at any cost. It must be achieved at a reasonable expense; without undue hardship for your staff. -Don't be drawn into > public disputes with rivals. Rather; engage in respectful competition. You may need their cooperation someday."3- "SHACKLETON'S WAY OF SELECTING AND ORGANIZING A CREW. -Start with a solid core of workers you know from past jobs or who come recommended by trusted colleagues. -Your No. 2 is your most important hire. Pick one who complements your management style; shows loyalty without being a yes-man; and has a talent for working with others. -Hire those who share your vision. Someone who clashes with your personality or the corporate culture will hinder your work. -Be a creative; unconventional interviewer if you seek creative. unconventional people. Go deeper than job experience and expertise. Ask questions that reveal a candidate's personality; values; and perspective on work and life. -Surround yourself with cheerful; optimistic people. They will reward you with the loyalty and camaraderie vital for success. -Applicants hungriest for the job are apt to work hardest to keep it. -To weed out potential slackers; choose workers who show a willingness to tackle any job; and will take a turn at the unpopular tasks. -Hire those with the talents and expertise you lack. Don't feel threatened by them. They will help you stay on the cutting edge and bring distinction to your organization. -Spell out clearly to new employees the exact duties and requirements of their jobs; and how they will be compensated. Many failed work relationships start with a lack of communication. -To help your staff do top-notch work; give them the best equipment you can afford. Working with outdated; unreliable tools creates an unnecessary burden."4- "SHACKLETON'S WAY OF FORGING A UNITED AND LOYAL TEAM. -Take the time to observe before acting; especially if you are new to the scene. All changes should be aimed at improvements. Don't make changes just for the sake of leaving you mark. -Always keep the door open to your staff members; and be generous with information that affects them. Well-informed i employees are more eager and better prepared to participate. -Establish order and routine on the job so all workers know where they stand and what is expected of them. The discipline makes the staff feel they're in capable hands. -Break down traditional hierarchies and cliques by training workers to do a number of jobs; from the menial to the challenging. -Where possible; have employees work together on certain tasks. It builds trust and respect and even friendship. -Be fair and impartial in meting out compensations; workloads. and punishments. Imbalances make everyone feel uncomfortable; even the favored. -Lead by example. Chip in sometimes to help with the work you're having others do. It gives you the opportunity to set a high standard and shows your respect for the job. -Have regular gatherings to build esprit de corps. These could be informal lunches that allow workers to speak freely outside the office. Or they could be special holiday or anniversary celebrations that let employees relate to each other as people rather than only as colleagues."5- "SHACKLETON'S WAY OF DEVELOPING INDIVIDUAL TALENT. -Create a work environment comfortable enough to entice professionals to spend the greater part of their waking hours there. Allow for some personal preferences. -Be generous with programs that promote the well-being of your staff. Healthy bodies and minds are more productive. -Make sure each employee has challenging and important work. Even the lowest-ranking workers must feel they are making a valuable and appreciated contribution to the company. -Match the person to the position. Be observant of the types of people who are working for you and what jobs might best suit their personalities as well as their experience. -Give consistent feedback on performance. Most workers feel they don't get nearly enough words of praise and encouragement. -Strive for work relationships that have a human as well as professional element. No matter how large your company; get to know as many employees as possible. Memorize their interests so you can chat about something other than work. -Reward the individual as well as the group. Public acknowledgment of a job well done—a birthday or a work anniversary—will make an employee feel appreciated. -Be tolerant. Know each employee's strengths and weaknesses; and set reasonable expectations. Occasionally indulging individuals; even if you think they're being too needy; can have a powerful effect; especially in high-stress situations."6- "SHACKLETON'S WAY OF GETTING THE GROUP THROUGH A CRISIS. -When crisis strikes; immediately address your staff. Take charge of the situation; offer a plan of action; ask for support and show absolute confidence in a positive outcome. -Get rid of unnecessary middle layers of authority. Direct leadership is more efficient in emergency situations. -Plan several options in detail. Get a grasp of the possible consequences of each; always keeping your eye on the big picture. -Streamline supplies and operations so they won't slow you down. -Give your staff an occasional reality check to keep them on course. After time; people will start to treat a crisis situation as business as usual and lose their focus. -Keep your malcontents close to you. Resist your instinct to avoid them and instead try to win them over and gain their support. -Defuse tension. In high-stress situations use humor to put people at ease; and keep your staff busy. -Let go of the past. Don't waste time or energy regretting pa? mistakes or fretting over what you can't change. -Ask for advice and information from a variety of sources; but ultimately make decisions based on your own best judgment. -Let all the people involved in the crisis participate in the solution even if that means doling out some work that is less than vital. -Be patient. Sometimes the best course of action is to do nothing but watch and wait. -Give your staff plenty of time to get used to the idea of an unpopular decision by leaking early details."7- "SHACKLETON'S WAY OF FORMING GROUPS FOR THE TOUGHEST TASKS. -The best way to handle the biggest tasks is often to divide the Staff into teams. Create units that are self-sufficient; but understand they won't all be equal. It is more important that the teams are balanced when considering the big picture. -Make sure you have some cracker-jack groups that can handle the toughest challenges. They can also help others; to ensure mo team falls far behind. -Give the tedious assignments to the workhorses who don't complain. Let them know you are aware that you are giving them an outsized task and that you count on their goodwill and exceptional fortitude to get the job done. -Empower the team leaders so they have the authority to handle their own group; but keep an eye on the details. Never let yourself be surprised by problems down the road. -Don't be afraid to change your mind when you see your plan isn't working. You won't look indecisive if you show the logic of your changes. -Be self-sacrificing. Give whatever perks it is in your power to dispense. -Give a show of confidence in those acting in your stead. It's important that your support staff maintain in your absence the same level of competency you set. -Never point out the weaknesses of individuals in front of others. Often; it's better to let everyone share in a remedy aimed at a few. Chances are; even the strongest will benefit from it."8- "SHACKLETON'S WAY OF FINDING THE DETERMINATION TO MOVE FORWARD. -Go-for-broke risks become more acceptable as options narrow. Sometimes the potential rewards at the end of a daring venture justify the risk of suffering a spectacular failure. -Seek inspiration in enduring wisdom that has comforted or motivated you or others in times of crisis. It will get you through the most physically and emotionally draining times and help you to keep your perspective. -Congratulate yourself and others for a job well done. A pat on the back or a sincere handshake is an expression of personal thanks and gratitude that has never gone out of fashion. -Motivate your staff to be independent. If you have been a good leader; they will have the determination to succeed on their own. -Let your staff inspire you. At times; an overwhelming workload may force you to consider lowering your standards. Remember that the final product must represent the best efforts of the entire group. -Even in the most stressful situations; don't forget that you are part of a larger world that might benefit from your expertise. In turn; participating in community and family activities can give you skills useful on the job. -Make sure the whole job is done. Your staff may be able to call it quits after the heavy lifting is over; but you are responsible for seeing the work through to its successful completion."9- "SHACKLETON'S THOUGHTS ON LEADERSHIP. -'There are lots of good things in the world; but I'm not sure that comradeship is not the best of them all—to know that you can do something big for another chap." -"Optimism is true moral courage." -"Leadership is a fine thing; but it has its penalties. And the greatest penalty is loneliness." -'A man must shape himself to a new mark directly the old one goes to ground." -'The loyalty of your men is a sacred trust you carry. It is something which must never be betrayed; something you must live up to." -"I have often marveled at the thin fine which separates success from failure." -'You often have to hide from them not only the truth; but your feelings about the truth. You may know that the facts are dead against you; but you mustn't say so." -'If you're a leader; a fellow that other fellows look to; you've got to keep going."1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. An Inspiring True StoryBy Brian SShackleton’s Way is an inspiring book illustrating Shackleton’s many voyages and how his leadership skills motivated his crewmen in the hardest of times. Ernest Shackleton gained insight and learned from mistakes on every expedition he went on and applied that knowledge to effective leadership techniques. Shackleton invested in his crew members and believed in teamwork. I admire Shackleton’s optimistic attitude and his ability to remain a motivating and effective leader throughout critical weather conditions and near-death experiences. Shackleton somehow was able to make his crewman see the light and find energy when most humans would submit to failure and give up. Although; I wish this book went in-depth on the leadership techniques and told less of the tale of Ernest Shackleton. I would recommend this book to people looking for management skills and want to learn from an inspiring true story​ of one of the world’s greatest leaders.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Review for college courseBy Judith L.This book was really good for many reasons. While this book is teaching lessons about leadership it is also telling a great story. Other books (especially the ones I've read for my class) often give advice or a lesson and then give examples; but in this book it gives readers a story to follow allowing people become more engrossed with the characters; setting; etc. It's easier to put yourself in this perspective. It also help me realize that you don't have to be in a position where you're in charge of other people to be a leader. You can be a leader just by the small decisions you make everyday and the influence/impact you leave on people. I would suggest for people to read this book.

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