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Stay and Fight it Out: The Second Day at Gettysburg; July 2; 1863; Culp’s Hill and the North End of the Battlefield (Emerging Civil War Series)

DOC Stay and Fight it Out: The Second Day at Gettysburg; July 2; 1863; Culp’s Hill and the North End of the Battlefield (Emerging Civil War Series) by Chris Mackowski; Kristopher White; Daniel Davis in History


Varina Anne “Winnie” Davis was born into a war-torn South in June of 1864; the youngest daughter of Confederate president Jefferson Davis and his second wife; Varina Howell Davis. Born only a month after the death of beloved Confederate hero general J.E.B. Stuart during a string of Confederate victories; Winnie’s birth was hailed as a blessing by war-weary Southerners. They felt her arrival was a good omen signifying future victory. But after the Confederacy’s ultimate defeat in the Civil War; Winnie would spend her early life as a genteel refugee and an expatriate abroad.

#1605250 in Books 2018-04-19 2018-05-03Original language:English 9.02 x .59 x 5.98l; #File Name: 1611213312192 pages


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