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Text and Variations of the Mahabharata: Contextual Regional and Performative Traditions

ePub Text and Variations of the Mahabharata: Contextual Regional and Performative Traditions by Kalyan Kumar in History


Ho! For that day is great; with none like it; and it is a time of distress for Jacob; through which he shall be saved. Jeremiah 30:7 We are rapidly moving towards the prophetic time period known as The Time of Jacobs Distress. It is a time of great evil and much violence and suffering. Nonetheless; G-d will be glorified and His chosen and faithful ones saved. What are the nations of the world demanding of Israel? Forsake your G-d! Forsake His covenant promises! Forsake your birthright in the land He promised you as an everlasting possession!Forsake and surrender your control over G-ds holy city; Jerusalem; and give control of His holy mountain to those who worship Allah! As all the nations come against Israel; G-ds prophetic clock has begun its hastening countdown to the final fulfillment of all that He has written in His word regarding His sovereign plan of redemption for His Chosen people. Israel will then be ready to take her rightful place as G-ds witnesses to the nations as Isaiah 43 describes so clearly; I have declared and saved; I have proclaimed; and there was no foreign god among you; therefore you are My witnesses; says the Lord; that I am G-d. Most importantly those who read this book will be drawn by the Spirit of G-d to full awareness of two things: the days in which we are living are of great peril and all of us have a great need for repentance and returning to Him who is able to save.

#10957255 in Books 2009-12-30Original language:English .0 x .0 x .0l; .0 #File Name: 8190402994359 pages


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