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The Campus Rape Frenzy: The Attack on Due Process at America’s Universities

DOC The Campus Rape Frenzy: The Attack on Due Process at America’s Universities by KC Johnson; Stuart Taylor Jr. in History


Dogon cosmology provides a new Rosetta stone for reinterpreting Egyptian hieroglyphs • Provides a new understanding of Egyptian hieroglyphs as scientific symbols based on Dogon cosmological drawings • Use parallels between Dogon and Egyptian word meanings to identify relationships between Dogon myths and modern science In The Science of the Dogon; Laird Scranton demonstrated that the cosmological structure described in the myths and drawings of the Dogon runs parallel to modern science--atomic theory; quantum theory; and string theory--their drawings often taking the same form as accurate scientific diagrams that relate to the formation of matter. Scranton also pointed to the close resemblance between the keywords and component elements of Dogon cosmology and those of ancient Egypt; and the implication that ancient cosmology may also be about actual science.Sacred Symbols of the Dogon uses these parallels as the starting point for a new interpretation of the Egyptian hieroglyphic language. By substituting Dogon cosmological drawings for equivalent glyph-shapes in Egyptian words; a new way of reading and interpreting the Egyptian hieroglyphs emerges. Scranton shows how each hieroglyph constitutes an entire concept; and that their meanings are scientific in nature. Using the Dogon symbols as a “Rosetta stone;” he reveals references within the ancient Egyptian language that define the full range of scientific components of matter: from massless waves to the completed atom; even suggesting direct correlations to a fully realized unified field theory.

#416806 in Books Stuart Taylor K C Johnson 2017-01-24Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.25 x 1.00 x 6.50l; .0 #File Name: 1594038856370 pagesThe Campus Rape Frenzy The Attack on Due Process at America s Universities

45 of 49 people found the following review helpful. Once accused of sexual misconduct; a male student will almost certainly be expelled; regardless of the actual FACTS!By ReadThinkAn absolutely phenomenal book that discusses what so few people are willing to talk about - the biased investigations of campus disciplinary committees. This book should be required reading for all college students and parents of college students; male or female. Well written; well researched; and extraordinarily well documented; this balanced book shines a bright (and frankly; quite frightening) light on the anti-male culture that is alive and well in university Title IX departments. Page 150 gives an especially eye-opening example of how these so-called investigators are trained. Due process and the presumption of innocence no longer exist for young men on our campuses. In some cases; school administrators are intentionally ruining the lives of innocent students by ignoring important facts. It's high time that campus kangaroo courts come to an end - this book may very well help make that happen. Potentially life-changing; "The Campus Rape Frenzy: The Attack on Due Process at America's Universities" should be your go-to graduation gift for every graduating senior; as well as their parents.53 of 59 people found the following review helpful. They checked their facts -- hooray!By Harvey A. SilverglateThe issue of campus rape has become so highly politicized that people on both sides seem to feel that; to paraphrase the late and great Daniel Patrick Moynihan; they are entitled not only to their own views; but also to their own facts. Johnson and Taylor take great care to make sure that their facts are correct and are supported by the evidence. They have detected a frenzy out there. As a lawyer whose law practice in large part deals with cases such as are reported by these authors; I can verify that there is indeed a frenzy; and facts are not as highly valued as they should be. Johnson and Taylor are reliable; a trait much to be valued in these fractious times. I know that they are dedicated to factual and legal accuracy; because I know that they fact-checked their assertions with people in the field; including me. They did not guess. Harvey Silverglate Cambridge Boston; MA; lawyer writer41 of 45 people found the following review helpful. There are two sides to every story. This book tells the true stories that the media won't.By M.M. BestThere are two sides to every story. Two sides to every accusation. As I read this book it reminded me why I really need to listen to both sides; and why evidence and facts are so important to both sides. Much is written in the media about girls on campus and their accusations. That's one side. This book focuses on the other side; and that's the guys who are getting accused at college. I read many stories in this book of guys who should never have been accused in the first place. And in reading their stories I see how the guy is the victim; and how he became a victim because he was wrongly accused and didn't have any rights. The guys in this book are really suffering and going through a lot of emotional breakdowns because they aren't given the opportunity during their accusation hearings to defend their innocence. This books shines a light on this campus travesty of justice. And really; this injustice needs to stop immediately. We all expect our constitutional rights; but apparently at colleges guys don't get these rights. How can this be? Well this book does an excellent job in laying out the policy groundwork that has been going on since the 1980's.and shows how we got to this place. After reading this book; I will always pay attention to both sides of the story and focus on the facts.

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