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The Dark Side of Christian History

ebooks The Dark Side of Christian History by Helen Ellerbe in History


Others have attacked George Bush's policies but Katherine Yurica has struck where it really matters. Not many people know the Bible prohibits the entire Bush agenda. Yurica goes through the list and shows that tax cuts to the wealthy which shifted the tax burden to the middle class and the poor; deregulation of environmental standards; vote rigging; privatization of Social Security; the invasion of Iraq; oppressing Hispanics who cross our borders; cutting Medicaid services; cutting Medicare services; hurting the environment; so-called tort reform; torture; lying to congress; bribes; tampering with the justice system; appointing prejudiced nominees to the bench; and tipping the scales of justice to favor big corporations are all prohibited by clear and concise biblical statutory laws. Read Bloodguilty Churches. Don't miss this hard hitting book.

#192162 in Books Helen Ellerbe 1995-07Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 8.50 x 5.75 x .50l; .74 #File Name: 0964487349221 pagesThe Dark Side of Christian History

8 of 8 people found the following review helpful. The "greatest story" too seldom toldBy bossaboyHaving read a number of histories of the Inquisition and witch trials;I found the author's approach most refreshing. She provides her own interpretation of the historical events as well as reporting them; connecting the dots as she see's them between the teachings and actions of the church (Catholic and Protestant) and our current Western Civilization's quagmire. That some reviewers critique her for doing so I find disingenuous. Through wide readings in many other sources prior to this author's work; I and many friends have come to quite similar conclusions regarding the connections between Christianity and our current issues related to patriarchy and male violence; torture; hierarchy; racism; intolerance for differences; estrangement from nature; and our scientific mechanistic view of the world. She does a very nice job doing just what our atomized scientific perspective frequently struggles to do; that is connect disparate information into a whole that is greater than the sum of it's parts. I applaud the author and think this would be an excellent choice for any progressive book club looking for a work that will stimulate creative thought and analysis. If you are uncomfortable with any challenge to our current culture's world view; by all means stay away as this book as it may make you uncomfortable. If you're not afraid to think for yourself; hear the author out and form your own conclusions. Highly recommended.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. An Essential ReadBy Dennis FreemanA great book......especially if you have doubts about the infallibility of "the church". This one turned out to be a great source for information about the early days of the church that is presented with as little pro-church bias as possible. Ms. Ellerbe certainly makes no pretense about her loathing of the church. The thing is........she backs up her anti-church bias with a lot of very sound research.2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. There really is a dark side to itBy Tommy bI had to re-order this book that I had lost; because it is a gem of a book to describe the awful history of the Church. I remain a Christian in the sense that I love the gospels of Luke; John; Mark and Mathew in that order; but; I find it odd that the Church did not allow translations of those gospels until gosh; the Gutenberg press-era? What were the people worshiping at a mass in Latin if they didn't understand anything?Ms.Ellerbe goes into the history quite thoroughly; and it is quite violent and corrupt. Such a disappointment to know that it was that bad. You will get a blow by blow; and it ain't pretty. Makes a grown man cry.

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