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The Holocaust: A History of the Jews of Europe During the Second World War

DOC The Holocaust: A History of the Jews of Europe During the Second World War by Martin Gilbert in History


The overlooked Quaker from Rhode Island who won the American Revolution's crucial southern campaign and helped to set up the final victory of American independence at YorktownNathanael Greene is a revolutionary hero who has been lost to history. Although places named in his honor dot city and country; few people know his quintessentially American story as a self-made; self-educated military genius who renounced his Quaker upbringing-horrifying his large family-to take up arms against the British. Untrained in military matters when he joined the Rhode Island militia in 1774; he quickly rose to become Washington's right-hand man and heir apparent. After many daring exploits during the war's first four years (and brilliant service as the army's quartermaster); he was chosen in 1780 by Washington to replace the routed Horatio Gates in South Carolina. Greene's southern campaign; which combined the forces of regular troops with bands of irregulars; broke all the rules of eighteenth-century warfare and foreshadowed the guerrilla wars of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. His opponent in the south; Lord Cornwallis; wrote; "Greene is as dangerous as Washington. I never feel secure when I am encamped in his neighborhood. He is vigilant; enterprising; and full of resources." Greene's ingenious tactics sapped the British of their strength and resolve even as they "won" nearly every battle. Terry Golway argues that Greene's appointment as commander of the American Southern Army was the war's decisive moment; and this bold new book returns Greene to his proper place in the Revolutionary era's pantheon."Washington said if he went down in battle; Greene was his choice to succeed him. Read this book and you will understand why." -- Joseph J. Ellis; author of His Excellency: George Washington

#313878 in Books Holt Paperbacks 1987-05-15 1987-05-15Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 .35 x .7 x 6.09l; 1.97 #File Name: 0805003487976 pages

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful. Finally; this outstanding book in electronic form!By The Book BanditSir Martin Gilbert is one of my favourite authors for a reason: he is brilliant. I teach the Holocaust at a museum; and this book in particular has been one of the most helpful and useful books in all the years of my study on the topic. The Holocaust is a huge subject; and therefore no one book could address everything about it; but this tome does an excellent job at covering such a wide range of aspects of the Shoah; using firsthand accounts and vast amounts of other evidence to support and explain what is covered.I teach this subject because I believe it is essential that it never be forgotten; not only to honour the victims; survivors; rescuers and allies; but so that people learn from past mistakes and; hopefully; avoid the world repeating them. Sir Gilbert's book goes a great way to opening people's eyes sufficiently to just what went on. Where many sources gloss over the horrors; Gilbert does not shy away; but still presents the evidence in a way that honours those who suffered.For someone who is detail-orientated like I am; this book is a must in any collection about the Holocaust.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Painful. Excruciatingly painful.By Tom WrightNever have I read a book so well researched; so scathing truthful; so full of pain; wretchedness; and cruety. I read quickly; usually. This 850+ page book is not read quickly. I would read a chapter; maybe two or three; and then could not read any further for perhaps a week. Sometimes longer.The significance of this document cannot be understated. If you are a history student; particularly WW4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. A Beautifully Written Book About an Ugly EventBy Epistem QuestWhile I have read a few books written by Holocaust survivors; I wanted to read a comprehensive history of the Holocaust which was written by a respected historian. I achieved that goal by reading Martin Gilbert's; "The Holocaust: A History of the Jews of Europe During the Second World War."He starts the book by showing that hatred of the Jewish people has a long history in Europe. The idea of the Jews as "Christ killers" has been around for centuries. He quotes some ugly words penned by Martin Luther; which certainly fostered a hatred of the Jews. In fact; if I didn't know it was Luther who wrote those words; I would have assumed it was Hitler. After this first chapter of background information; he puts the year at the top of each page so the reader understands the order of events.Every imaginable evil that the mind of a human being can conceive is listed in this book: confiscation of wealth; herding individuals in trains and depriving them of water and sanitation; gassing; torturing; cruel jokes; keeping people in various ghettos; killing babies in front of their mothers; throwing babies out of hospital windows; starvation; shootings; whippings; beatings; to name a few. Understandably; the entire book is one horrendous story after another. However; it also shows some acts of bravery and compassion performed by Jew and Gentile alike.When various camps were liberated; the liberators could hardly believe their eyes. Concerning one such camp outside Orhdruf; Gilbert says of General Eisenhower that he "...was so shocked that he at once telephoned Churchill to describe what he had seen; and then sent photographs of the dead prisoners to Churchill; who circulated them to each member of the British Cabinet." Liberation did not mean the Jews were free of molestation. On the contrary; in Poland in 1945; over 350 Jews were killed by Jew-hating Poles after the Germans were defeated.Finally; here are a few more things I liked about the book. First; Martin Gilbert's writing is easy to follow. He is an excellent writer. Second; there is a comprehensive list of sources at the back of the book; along with a very good index. Third; there are some black and white photos; as well as black and white maps in the book. In short; if you want to read a comprehensive history of the Holocaust; then this book will fulfill that desire.

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