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The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa (2 Volumes)

ePub The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa (2 Volumes) by Milarepa in History


Story of the Third Arkansas Infantry Regiment in the Civil War. 233 pages

#4567679 in Books 1962PDF # 1 #File Name: B000H4F0ZY730 pages

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. One of the NECESSARY books of my life!By A carbon-based life form; inseparable aloofThis is a book that is takes one on many adventures of awareness. Just when I believe I'm really "getting it"; Mila has me laughing at myself and learning that I'm still a stumbling dunce in too many ways. At other times; traveling with him; I understand that there is a kind of ridiculous bravery that has grown up within my nature and it wasn't even anything noticeable before. This also has me laughing along with him at all the "ferocious ones" in the world who hide behind their so-called powerful masks of ownership and authority or thick-skulled machismo; which is all illusory and meaningless. When I walk into the presence of those I consider Hell-Beings; it is always with the companionship of Milarepa in my thoughts quite powerfully... and somehow the sense of humor remains with me; no matter what insanity comes across the fence or in the street in my direction. So they are bullies who have made a lot of noise and cat called me? They wasted a great deal of time and energy. All cowards; of course. This is the reason there is never only one making noise.I bought the Hardcover edition and am very happy I made this decision. This is a book that will travel with me as much as it takes me traveling. It is almost as though it transports me in time; to be in these places with this most amazing of teachers. It is very healthy to laugh at oneself through times of adversity! Even in my dreams; it seems I'm visiting these magickal places more often. So powerful; these teachings and the worlds that are opened up like intricate paintings in the heart.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A Wealth of the highest Yogic Knowledge!By Darshan BabaOne of the Most Delightful Yogis to ever walk this Earth: Milarepa...Who would not want to read his teachings which are like nectar; quenching the thirst from eons of wondering through the realms of "cyclic existance". This wondering has occurred simply because we haven't recognized that our own Mind is of the Nature of Boundless Illumination; non different from the Mind of Milerapa; or any of the Great Yogis; Buddhas; Bodhisattvas; Siddhas; and All Enlightened Masters. Suffering occuring only due to ignorance that this Mind is non-different nor divided from any and all phenomena; that Mind is the medium of which every occurrence of Samsara and Nirvana arises and subsides into... Read this Book to receive Milarepa's Transmission and Teachings of Wisdom Essence and Self Knowledge. To end suffering drink deeply of this nectar of Minds essence; emptiness which is full of all that is and is not...This is a beautiful translation; with short concise notations by the translator regarding terms and allusions that Milarepa is making to traditional Buddhist and Yogic teachings in terminology that may not otherwise be understood without a background in these teachings; these notations then make these terms easily understandable.May All Beings Know Peace...From the author of: Yoga Sadhana of the Mother of the Universe52 of 53 people found the following review helpful. A book that established Tibetan Buddhism in the WestBy Average JeffGarma C.C. Chang; the translator of these songs; single-handedly preserved this book for the West; for it surely would have disappeared; overlooked by religious popularizers. The degree; Cha Gyur Khan-po; 'professor of translation;' was conferred upon the late Professor Chen-Chi Chang by his guru; a living Buddha; Kong Ka Lama; at the Kong Ka Monestary at Meia Nya; Tibet. The monastery is of the Kargyutpa School; which descended directly from Milarepa's line of gurus. C.C. Chang was more than a translator; however. He was among the greatest Buddhist scholars and teachers of the twentieth century. His studies of both exoteric and esoteric Buddhism are powerful because they are unvarnished. Unfortunately; not all his works are still in print. As he brought Milarepa to the West; he also brought what is perhaps China's greatest contribution to Buddhism (and recall; it was China that gave us Zen); the teachings of the 8th century Hwa Yen school; which is contained in C.C. Chang's book; still in print: The Teaching of Totality. I was deeply fortunate to have known Professor Chang; and I remember his reverence for Milarepa; his delight at the songs. I remember him imploring his students to delve deep into these teachings; from one of Tibet's greatest masters. Now there is this new edition. By itself; the story of Milarepa is magnificent; a tale of naive cruelty; healing; heroic effort and finally mercy and enlightenment. Milarepa is the psalmist of the Himalayas; and the late Professor's translation is a triumph of the heart. The book is a monument and a refuge.

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