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The Secret King: Karl Maria Wiligut; Himmler's Lord of the Runes

DOC The Secret King: Karl Maria Wiligut; Himmler's Lord of the Runes by Karl Maria Wiligut in History


In "Islam Unveiled;" Robert Spencer dares to face the hard questions about what the Islamic religion actually teaches--and the potentially ominous implications of those teachings for the future of both the Muslim world and the West. Going beyond the shallow distinction between a "true" peaceful Islam and the "hijacked" Islam of terrorist groups; Spencer probes the Koran and Islamic traditions (as well as the history and present-day situation of the Muslim world) as part of his inquiry into why the world's fastest growing faith tends to arouse fanaticism. "Islam Unveiled" evaluates the relationship between Islamic fundamentalism and "mainstream" Islam; the fixation with violence and jihad; the reasons for Muslims' disturbing treatment of women; and devastating effects of Muslim polygamy and Islamic divorce laws. Spencer explores other daunting questions--why the human rights record of Islamic countries is so unrelievedly grim and how the root causes of this record exist in basic Muslim beliefs; why science and high culture died out in the Muslim world--and why this is a root cause of modern Muslim resentment. He evaluates what Muslims learn from the life of Muhammad; the man that Islam hails as the supreme model of human behavior. Above all; this provocative work grapples with the question that most preoccupies us today: can Islam create successful secularized societies that will coexist peacefully with the West's multicultural mosaic?

#587085 in Books 2001-07-12Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 #File Name: 1885972210160 pages

11 of 14 people found the following review helpful. The Secret Reports of the Nazi SS Rune MagicianBy Michael ChesbroDr. Stephen Flowers has provided use with a unique opportunity to look inside the works of one of the legendary Germanic Rune Magicians - Karl Maria Wiligut.Beginning with a detailed introduction; Dr. Flowers then provides clear and understandable translations of Wiligut's writings that are available from no other easily accessible source. Wiligut was a contemporary of such men Guido von List and Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels; and was certainly influenced by the work of these great men.Later in his life Wiligut was commissioned by Heinrich Himmler - leader of the Nazi SS - to write reports on the Runes; Germanic traditions and pre-Christian history. It is portions of this work that we find translated in "The Secret King".Certainly not a book for the beginner or someone with a mere curiosity about the Runes; "The Secret King" provides depth and insight for those who have already gained more than a superficial knowledge of the topic in question.This you know - would you know more?19 of 24 people found the following review helpful. Hmm.. lost me about 1/2 way through...By David C. JohnsonWell; the introduction gives a decent introduction to Wiligut's basic ideas; but I would have liked more background in Wiligut's involvement with the Nazi party and Himmler. There are vauge references to Wiligut being rejected by the Ahnenrbe as "too fanciful"; but more treatment would have been a real bonus. An introduction to rune-ology; and its historical placement impact on Germanic/Nazi thought would have helped place Wiligut in a broader historical perspective.Wiligut's writings; which make up the bulk of the book are for the die-hard fan only. You will need a serious grounding in contemporary germanic metaphysical thought to get much out of it.Layout printing of the book present well (and it gets an extra star for it)0 of 1 people found the following review helpful. the real thangBy Alexander Besherfor research purposes; can't beat it; dull as dishwater as it is it's the runic stone for understanding what happened. Most readable sections are Intro and someone's memoirs in a chapter at very end. In between; there's your local color if you're a novelist researching politically correct incantations and such.

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