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The World Split Open: How the Modern Women's Movement Changed America; Revised Edition

audiobook The World Split Open: How the Modern Women's Movement Changed America; Revised Edition by Ruth Rosen in History


The concept of an ordered human society; both religious and secular; as an expression of a divinely ordered universe was central to medieval thought. In the West the political and religious community were inextricably bound together; and because the Church was so intimately involved with the world; any history of it must take into account the development of medieval society.Professor Southern's book covers the period from the eighth to the sixteenth century. After sketching the main features of each medieval age; he deals in greater detail with the Papacy; the relations between Rome and her rival Constantinople; the bishops and archbishops; and the various religious orders; providing in all a superb history of the period.

#264694 in Books 2006-12-26 2006-12-26Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 8.40 x 1.10 x 5.50l; 1.08 #File Name: 0140097198544 pagesruth RosenThe World Split OpenWomen's Movement

47 of 50 people found the following review helpful. A Changed American Male Reports a MUST READ!By Tom MorsonRosen; a historian; professor; activist and journalist brings the wisdoms of her personal and professional experiences to bear upon the modern Women's Movement. The result is a refreshing; candid; almost conversational accounting and chronicle; as well as an astute and careful analysis of the many impacts and consequences of the movement for American life. The numerous interviews with both known and unknown leaders of the movement are captured with such precision that at times you feel you are there. When Rosen then moves toward grounding these voices in the larger social-cultural-political contexts of the times; we begin to really experience the extent and depth of the Movement not only for American life but for life as we know it.This is a must read for anyone wanting to better understand not only the modern Women's Movement; but themselves. As a psychotherapist; educator and social worker at the University of Michigan; I work daily with those struggling with their roles and identities. I think this is an excellent resource for helping women (and men) understand their personal struggles in context; which as Rosen's title so aptly puts it; makes "The World Split Open"; and thus the personal truly political.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Fair balancedBy Gregory MaxwellOne complaint; long!That is it; the rest is all glowing praise.Ruth Rosen tells a detailed and fascinating narrative of a struggle that still continues.Despite her personal involvement (some parts of the narrative are in 1st person) Ms. Rosen is wonderfully honest.The feminist movement (pick a label) is filled with uplifting and inspirational tales of victory through cohesion in the face of overwhelming odds; but it is also the story of bitter internal divisions.Ruth's book tells an architypal tale of the human condition condensed into a manageable timeframe.This is a book which can teach the brothers to learn from their sisters and help to lead us all into a brighter future of peace and love.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Second Wave historyBy sjtExcellent history of the second wave of the women's movement. Brought up a lot of memories of my activist days; plus gave me some information that was new to me.

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