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Waffen-Ss Uniforms: In Colour Photographs (Europa Militaria)

audiobook Waffen-Ss Uniforms: In Colour Photographs (Europa Militaria) by Andrew Steven; Peter Amodio in History


#2838938 in Books Crowood Pr 1990-11Ingredients: Example IngredientsOriginal language:EnglishPDF # 1 10.25 x 7.75 x .25l; #File Name: 187200461X64 pages

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful. My favorite SS reference.By HollowAs an artist; finding color WWII reference material is quite tricky; and usually limited to color plates done by other artists! This is just top shelf to me! -A real visual treat. The pictures are large and in very sharp focus allowing for good appreciation of detail and color; and there is a wide spectrum of mini-eras represented.There are several other german WWII color photo books out there; but none can boast the sheer number of Waffen-SS variations depicted here.Buy it right now; for one day you will look back with disbelief when you think you ever debated about adding this to your collection. -It's that good!8 of 13 people found the following review helpful. Exelente referencia para modelistas de figuras de Waffen-SSBy A CustomerEste libro; aunque pequeño; ilustra con exelentes fotografías a color de personas portando los uniformes y equipo personal (armas ligeras; mochilas; correajes; cascos; etc.) de las Waffen SS. Los uniformes y equipo son originales; obtenidos de colecciones particulares. La calidad de las fotografías es tan buena que es muy facil reproducir los patrones de camuflaje al pintar una figura. Los uniformes presentados pertenecen a soldados de varias armas de las Waffen SS: tanquistas; artillería autopropulsada; tropas de montaña; infantería y uno de paracaidista; asicomo el uniforme de un general. En fin es una buena referencia para el modelista de figuras militares de las SS. Lo único malo es que no cubre en su totalidad todos los uniformes y patrones de camuflaje que existieron; pero de todas maneras resulta un libro muy atractivo.6 of 6 people found the following review helpful. A photographic referenceBy Paul BourgaultA reference in matter of picture and colour photography. Most of the description are too succinct. In a roughly 66 pages and over a hundred photography; you get a good view of some parts of the Waffen-SS uniforms. Dont expect specific Waffen-SS portion to be exploited. Photographic reference only; but for a reference ...; it's a pleasent book to look at and at this price it's a perfect book to add in a collection..._________________________Paul Bourgault2Lt/Fus MR21/34thCBG/RCAC

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